How is the weather in Toledo, Spain? - How is the weather in Toledo, Spain? -

How is the weather in Toledo, Spain?

How is the weather in Toledo, Spain?

It is never easy to provide with long-term weather forecasts. Our intention with this post is to provide an overview of the weather in Toledo, Spain. We hope this post helps you to prepare your tour to Toledo.

Toledo was Spain´s capital for centuries. It is perched on a mound that is partially surrounded by the Tagus river and its canyon. Both the river and the mound make this a strong defensive position: good to repel an attack but also good in terms of communications since Toledo (as well as Madrid) is located near the center of Spain.

Toledo is located in the center of the Peninsula Iberica, in the area known as “La Meseta” (the plateau) Toledo is located just over 500 meters above sea level. The weather in this part of Spain is continental, and rather extreme in terms of the range of temperatures through the year.

How often does it rain in Toledo?

The weather is mostly dry all year round, with less than 400mm -15.75in- per year ( the average rain level of the last 30 years has been 342mm -13.46in- ) . This level of rainfall is quite similar to rainfall in the state of Arizona ( USA ) . This does not mean that it never rains, but your chances of enjoying a sunny day are high. There is basically little rain all year round.

July and August are the months with lowest rainfall, and rain could be expected only once or twice per month, usually due to a summer storm . The relative humidity is below 50% on these months.

When does it rain more often in Toledo?

October, May and December are traditionally the months in which rain can be more often expected (between 40 and 50mm [ 1.57-1.97in ] per month. Rain can be expected on these months between 6 to 7 days on average.

Temperatures in winter in Toledo

Temperature in Toledo can vary considerable between day and night. The average daytime maximum temperatures in winter are between 11.5 and 14 ° C ( 51.8-57.2 ° F). The average night minimum temperatures range from 1.3 to 2.6 ° C ( 34.3-36.7 ° F ) . December and January are the coldest months of the year and frost is to be expected at night. It is however very rare to see snow in the city, and very unlikely to get more than once a year a day of snow. The Tajo river, located next to the old City, impacts the presence of fog, which can be expected 6 to 8 days per month in December and January.

Toledo, Spain

Temperatures in summer in Toledo

Blue sky can be expected 20 days in average in July and 15 during August. Is this the best time then to visit Toledo? These are hot months and we strongly recommend traveling in small groups (so you can stop for a drink as necessary) and also to enjoy air-conditioning in your vehicle. Average temperature in July and August is around 34 ° C ( 93.2 ° F). Nights are much cooler at an average of 18 ° C ( 64.4 ° F ) in both July and August

Temperatures in Toledo during Spring time and Autumn

Temperatures during these months are normally moderate with maximum daytime temperatures close to 16 ° C in March and November and 29 ° C in June and September ( 60.8-84.2 ° F). The average minimum night temperatures range between 5 ° C in November and March and 15 ° C ( 41-59 ° F). in June and September. ° C ( 41-59 ° F).

Data source: Aemet

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